

Sunday, April 3, 2016

☆•°*”*°☆F R E E B I E☆•°*”*°☆

Five friends. Five stories.
Welcome to the LOVER show. Let's begin with L:
Have you ever tried not liking a guy when your best friends decide you
should like him? How about if that guy had the sexiest ass on the
planet, and was your birthday-cake one-night-stand with icing on top?
London Reeves agrees that three years is a long time to live without
sex, but one steamy hot night could never last longer than the morning
after. Yet, her four lunatic best friends disagree on that last one.
The voices in her head disagree, too, and even her mother seems to
think she's crazy. And sexyass will not take a goddamn no for an
answer. Now what exactly is a girl to do against that?
The first book in a series of five.

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